Friday, August 24, 2012


Sometimes, an anchor can be a really good thing. It can hold us fast and keep us from floating away. And sometimes, it is just heavy metal and chains holding us down from striking out into lesser known, and sometimes scarier, destinations. The even scarier thing is when we are our own anchor. That's what I have been this summer. I have been the anchor getting in my own way. School starts in just over a week, and I have accomplished little toward my own goals, despite only working three days a week. I have had all the time in the world to write, to get healthier, to enjoy. And mostly I've just sat on the couch and watched reruns on Netflix. Sad. It's not to say that there hasn't been any progress. I've had a few fun adventures in the way of trips, starting a creative project I've been thinking about for years, and connecting more closely with someone important to me, but I've also really let myself down. Somehow, that needs to change. Love. Live.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


My cell phone died a couple of nights ago, and since then, I've felt so disconnected with people and the world. Weird, isn't it? That we need technology to keep connected? I think this is largely due to the fact that I recently moved 50+ miles away from my friends and I am at least a thousand miles away from most of my family. I even had plans yesterday to call one of my closest friends who lives about a 3 hour drive away. I was hoping to have a good long conversation to catch up on what's been going on lately, and now I can't even do that... I can't even remember the last time I had a land line! I'm hoping to be back in the connected world tomorrow, but for now, maybe I'll just spend a little time taking advantage of the disconnect. Maybe even start one of the books waiting in my pile of yet-to-be-read... well, maybe after I finish grading this pile of student essays. I love teaching, but I can't wait to do some reading strictly for pleasure! Love.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I've been thinking about a particular idea a lot lately, the idea being that we are (mostly) in control of our own destinies. How successful or happy or healthy we are has a lot to do with where and how we focus our energies. We may dream big dreams in our heads, and we may have the talent and ability to accomplish them, but if we sit back and wait for our dreams to come to us, we are usually going to be very disappointed. I think about where I am in my life right now, about all the things I had hoped to already accomplish and the things I still want to accomplish, I think about where I am on my personal scale of happiness, healthfulness, and success, and I know that I have come far from where I've been in many senses, but I also know I could be so much more. Because it's not always just about quantity, it's often also about quality. So I'm choosing to start focusing my energies on what's important, and to pay more attention to quality than quantity. I am hoping to open myself up to amazing moments and opportunities and people, those I'm already blessed to have in my life, and those who will help me continue to grow. I am planning to be true to myself and the powers of good that I was raised with - morals and optimism and the joy that comes with being selfless and giving. It's not always easy for me to express what I'm feeling, but I'm going to struggle to open up for what I hope will be the better good. To not be afraid to speak up. And I'm going to finish writing that darn novel! :o) I'm hoping to have the opportunity to share the beauty that I experience along the way because we can all use a little more beauty in our lives. A person can never have too much of that! Love.